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A Monster's Fight
A Monster's Fight Read online
A Monster’s Fight
A Gritty Urban Fantasy Novel
Raven Steele
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
A Monster’s Fight
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Other books by Raven Steele:
Other books by Ava Mason:
“The nearer the dawn the darker the night.”
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Victor gripped my shoulders and moved to swipe my leg out from beneath me, but I drove my arms upward, forcing him to let go. My elbow caught him in the nose, tearing his eyes. A human would've taken a moment to clear the liquid, but he wasn't human anymore.
He spun around and attempted to kick me again. Victor liked to use his legs way too much when he fought. It made him predictable. I caught his foot and twisted hard to the right. His body rotated with the motion and spun through the air until he landed on his feet. He was moving faster than ever before.
But, I moved faster.
I darted behind him and wrapped my muscled arm around his neck. He elbowed me several times in the ribs, cracking many of the bones. I choked at the searing pain that shot down through my legs. My arm tightened further, cutting off air to his lungs. He slammed his huge fist into my forearm, but I wouldn't relent.
Victor attempted to say something, but only blood dribbled past his blue lips.
"Kill him already," Oz's voice called down from the ledge of a once great wall. Moonlight behind him silhouetted his skinny frame. "You guys have been at this for hours. I'm starving."
Without warning, Victor flipped forward taking me with him. I lost my grip around his neck and barely managed to roll out of the way before his boot came crashing down where my head once was.
"You're all blunt force and no grace," I told him as I jumped to my feet and spun out of the way to avoid another kick.
"Gracefulness is for pussies. You're good at being graceful."
"Roasted!" Oz called down.
I growled and showed Victor how un-prissy-like being graceful could be. I leapt high into the air, completing a flip over him while he attempted to swing at me, but as soon as I landed, I spun a perfect aerial kick directly into his face. His back arched, and he flew several feet until he crashed into a partial wall. The old stone structure crumbled even more.
We were fighting in the ruins of Autry Manor; the same place Samira had taught me to fight. Besides the rock foundation with its tall walls, inside and out, there wasn't much left of the grand estate. Ever since we arrived at the Bisou Islands, a place not far from Rouen, Louisiana, we would fight at the old manor every day until our bones ached, and we could barely stand. Victor was a skilled fighter, but he had yet to beat me. Sometimes I wondered if that was deliberate.
Victor spat blood out of his mouth, spraying the earth red. He chuckled. "I might have to try some of that grace one of these days."
I extended my hand and helped him up. We were the same height, shared the same navy eyes, but my face was narrower, more angular like my mother's. I also had a full head of hair that had grown longer in the recent months. I tied it back often. Victor, on the other hand, had shaved his hair shortly after rising as a vampire. It made him look scarier.
Oz jumped from the wall, stumbled, then walked over to us holding an electric gun, the kind that could stun a vampire for several seconds by paralyzing them with a dizzying spray of electricity. I hated that he had it. Sometimes he'd hide behind corners and jump out when I least expected it and shoot me. He thought this was super funny. By the time I would recover, he was nowhere to be found.
"Why do you carry that stupid thing with you everywhere?" Victor asked. He was wiping the blood from his face.
"You two sport fangs and claws and superhuman strength. I carry a gun that stops all that." He spun the gun around his finger and holstered it into an invisible holster on his hip.
At first, I wasn’t sure it was the right move to bring Oz and his sister with us to the Bisou Islands. It really wasn’t a place for humans, but my fear of leaving my best friend behind in Coast City where vampires were slowly taking over, wasn’t a good idea either. In the end, it proved to be a good decision. The supernaturals here had welcomed Oz and Amy, and in return, Oz had used his genius mind to help out in their tech department.
I lowered onto a tree stump and stretched my legs. It had been a long nine months. Victor had woken from his transformation like a bear after hibernation. Angry and combative. It took him almost three weeks before he could get his emotions in check. Samira said it was the worst "wake up" she'd ever seen. But since then, Victor had done remarkably well. I was a little jealous at how well he was handling the changes to his body, including his blood lust.
"Speaking of guns," I said. "How much longer until they are ready?"
"They're done. We finished a few days ago." Oz inspected the weapon. "Took them bloody long enough."
Victor removed his shirt and pressed the material to his nose. It was still bleeding. "They would've been ready a long time ago, if you didn't make them keep changing things."
"Perfection takes time. These weapons are super badass now. Bastian won't know what hit him." He lifted the gun and fired. Instead of a stream of electricity, like I was used to seeing, a blast of air shot from its tip. It was so strong that it knocked several stones out of the wall across from us.
"When did you add that modification?" I asked. I had been so preoccupied helping Victor, that I hadn't checked in on Oz very much. In fact, we barely saw each other except for on the weekends. He had been working with the Ames de la Terra's tech team to create the perfect weapon for when we returned to Coast City.
"Can it really take down a vampire?" Victor asked, skeptically.
"We added the air blaster about a month ago. It took a while to get it just right, but it works." He winked at Victor. "Want to find out how well?"
Victor moved in front of him. "I've been punched in the chest by Samira. I doubt a little wind is going to hurt."
Oz pulled the trigger. An invisible force crashed into Victor and sent him spiraling backwards at least ten yards. He hit the ground hard, his body rolling several more feet coating him in dirt as if he were a dusted cannoli.
Oz slapped his thigh and yelled out loud, laughing hard. "There's nothing better than to see you where you belong!"
I cracked a smile.
From the shadows, Victor jumped to his feet and rushed Oz, but I darted between them and held Victor back.
"Let's try that toy on your scrawny ass," he spat.
"Calm down, old man,” Oz drawled. “I just like putting you in your place sometimes. Besides, you owe me for all the crap you did to me. Or have you already forgotten?"
"Enough." I gently shoved Oz away. "Why don't you go back? Check on your sister. She's been staying up lately watching werewolves shift on the full moon. I don't think it's something she should be seeing."
His face twisted into one of surprise. "When did she start doing this? That's messed up!"
"Just go," I ordered.
He turned around and took off running up the path that would eventually lead to a small bridge connecting the Bisou Islands to Rouen. Beyond that was the Blutel Estate where the Ames de la Terra trained and housed supernaturals. Every full moon, shifters, the good ones anyway, met at the mansion and went on a run together. It was quite a spectacle to watch, but not appropriate for a minor. Everyone got naked super fast and the shifting itself could be sometimes violent, depending upon the species.
"Is that true about Amy peeping on shifters?" Victor asked as he nursed an injured shoulder.
"Nah. I was just trying to get rid of him. He can get a little excited about his inventions."
"I wouldn't have hurt him, you know." He glanced up into the night sky, his expression serious. "I just like to scare him."
"I know. You've done remarkably well around humans."
"You've gotten a lot better too." He patted me on the back, making my muscles tense. I still didn't like to be touched by him. In my mind, he wasn't my father. He was just the man I had hated my whole life because I blamed him for my parent's death. It wasn't until much later that I learned the truth about that night Jonas, the man I thought was my father, and my mother were killed. Victor had been on his way to take me and my mom away from Jonas, who had recently turned violent. But despite this new revelation, I couldn't just erase years of hostility and suddenly love my enemy, no matter how many times he claimed to only want to do good.
"I thought Samira was coming tonight," he said. "She's one hot vampire."
"You're too old for her. Let's head back too." I followed Oz's footsteps away from Autry Manor.
"If anything, I'm too young for her. Bes
ides, you may not believe it, but I saw her eyeing me. You know the way someone looks at you like they want a piece of you? That's how she was looking at me."
"I don't think she was wanting the piece you're thinking."
"Your mom sure liked the pieces she had of me." He grinned and winked.
My face burned hot, and I flared my nostrils.
He lifted his hands defensively. "Too soon?"
I growled and walked away from him. The last few months I'd seen a whole new side of Victor. It was more playful and relaxed. He had commented just yesterday how he never thought he could be happy again, but here he was smiling and laughing again. He had been living in a dark place when the love of his life died, on top of believing his only son dead too. He'd spent the rest of his life set on revenge. It made him cross moral lines that left scars on his heart and mind. I bore those same scars.
But at least we had each other now and could share the burden.
The great manor rose in the darkness casting a dark shadow across fields of silvery grass. The moon's light felt warm against my skin, but unlike the sun, its light rejuvenated me, just like the Blutel estate.
Blutel was a sanctuary for all supernaturals who had been abused in some manner or for those who needed a place to overcome their demons. They often had many. Some said supernaturals were possessed with demons, and that is what gave them their special abilities. Only through intense meditation and incredible focus could one keep the beasts at bay. I agreed with part of their beliefs, but I did not think we were demons. Roman had always told me our special abilities were gifts given to us to protect mankind, but they came with a price as these gifts could also be used as evil. It was up to us to control them through strict discipline and acute focus.
Whatever the source of our powers, it was through this shared hardship that the supernaturals who came to the Ames de La Terra at Blutel could relate to one another. Unbreakable bonds were formed. This place would always be home to me, but first I had an obligation to the people of Coast City. It was my first home and would always hold a special place in my heart. Only when I freed them from Bastian's control, would I allow myself to move on.
My mind wandered to a future place where I was with Emma, her hand in mine, in a sun-soaked city walking the streets as a human. I still had the only cure Richard, Roman's old friend and my old lab boss, had created while under Bastian's control. All his research had been destroyed when the deserted hospital where he had been held captive burned down shortly after we fled the city. I had tried to convince him to stay at Blutel, but he wanted isolation and preferred a small apartment at the edge of Rouen. I dared not ask him to continue his research. Maybe in time, his mind and heart might heal enough to work again.
Surprisingly, Oz and his sister had taken a liking to him and visited him often. This made me worry less for Richard. Taking the opposite approach, Oz and Amy loved the company at Blutel and shared a room on the great estate. Although they weren't supernaturals, they were accepted among the Ames de la Terra. In return, Oz and Amy helped whenever they could. Oz worked closely with their tech team creating weapons that would work against supernaturals who would see us harm, and Amy helped in the kitchen, her specialty being chocolate chip cookies.
Victor caught up to me and walked side-by-side. "I know you don't like to talk about it, but it's time we go back. Bastian has to be questioning your loyalty by now."
"I spoke to him two weeks ago. Our relationship stays intact."
"You know that's a lie. You've been gone too long."
"You're not ready." My voice wavered.
"Another lie. It's you who's not ready."
I hated how he already knew me so well. I wasn't ready. Not at all. Living here among these people, I had discovered who I was again. A monster still breathed inside of me, but I had learned to work with it and not let it control me. But if I returned to the chaos, to the darkness and the madness that surrounded Bastian, I feared I would lose control again. Elizabeth Bathory's powerful vampire blood had taken a firm hold on me, more so than it had with Victor for some reason. Maybe it's because I was raised in the shadows of Coast City, never fully living, so that the moment I had a taste of power I had become addicted.
Once again, as if sensing my thoughts, Victor said, "You're much stronger than you think. Plus, I'll be by your side this time. The only way you're going off that cliff again is if I push you."
I glanced at him sideways, at his determined jaw and emotion-filled eyes. They no longer looked angry but remorseful. He wanted to make amends for all that he had done. I knew what that felt like.
"We'll leave soon. Within the week. I just need a little more time--"
"With Emma?"
I swallowed through my swollen throat. This would be the hardest part of leaving Rouen. My heart could barely take it for I knew what leaving meant.
Mine and Emma's relationship must end.
Emma rolled over into my arms and rested her head against my bare chest. I pulled her in closer and inhaled the sweet scent of her long hair. Soft tendrils whispered across my skin igniting a warmth that burned through my body. I only felt this sensation with her.
She looked up at me with eyes the color of spring leaves. "Did you sleep at all?"
"Not much."
She gently ran her fingernails back and forth across my chest. "Me either. I don't want you to go."
When I returned to my room, Emma had been waiting for me. She must've known I was leaving soon by the expression on my face. The pain of parting from her was too great to mask. Over the last several months we'd grown closer than I would've ever dreamed possible. The world was brighter, warmer, and a hopeful place with Emma. More importantly, the monster within me was at peace with her by my side. I feared leaving her behind in Rouen would shatter that light she brought to my soul.
"I've never been happier here in this place with you," I breathed, the words coming out in a long, contentful sigh.
She lowered her head to my chest, her body tensing. "You were meant for more than this place. More than me, even."
"What?" I wiggled out from under her and leaned back against the headboard.
She sat up and curled her legs beneath her, staring down at the bed, her fingers twisting the corner of the sheet. The strap of her tank top hung off one shoulder. "I'm not naive. I know our relationship can't last forever. You're a vampire, Aris. I'm human. What we have is amazing and has made me so happy, but it can't last."
"Must we talk about this?" I still hadn't told her I had a cure. If I wanted, we could live together, have a regular life, maybe even have children. The image of all that filled me with indescribable happiness.
But it also brought pain.
If I became human again, I would be giving up all my power, the only thing that could destroy Bastian. At first, I told myself I'd take the cure after I destroyed Bastian and made Coast City safe again, but that would still leave the Principes Noctis, the governing force over Bastian, in power across the world. Could I live with myself knowing I could've done something about that?
She snuggled up to me again, her exhaled breath warming my flesh. "You're right. I'm sorry. We have such little time."
Chimes sounded throughout the halls indicating breakfast, or dinner, depending upon what species you were. The kitchen served both meals. It was six o'clock at night. I had only slept for a few hours in my coffin before I had risen and joined Emma in bed. She had adapted to a night schedule for my benefit. It seemed she was always adapting for me.
"I don't know if I'll ever get used to that," she said. "But the communal living part has been easier to adjust to than I expected. Except for the bathroom scene. I still wish I had my own."